Map Pane Mouse Gestures


Any command available in menus and button bars can also be applied using mouse gestures. Working with mouse gestures can be much faster than finding commands in menus or button bars.

To perform a mouse gesture move the mouse cursor into the map pane. Press and hold the right mouse button and draw an invisible figure, then release the mouse button. The related command will be executed. The program takes care that even heavily deformed gestures will be recognized.

A certain number of mouse gestures is already predefined, others can be added.


Gestures can be managed in ‘Menu-Options-Preferences-Mouse Gestures’. It is possible to:

  • Define new gestures
  • Assign gestures to commands
  • Remove gestures
  • Test existing or trained gestures
  • Save or load the gesture set to/from disk

Tip: If necessary use the ‘Default’-button to set all gestures and command assignments to its initial values.

Predefined Gestures

Find the predefined gestures in the list below. It’s worth to commit the gestures to memory because these are the most useful ones in track creation.
